Isn’t it great, if you can calculate faster in competitive exams or in daily life? In competitive exams you need to solve more number of problems in less time. So, people, nowadays running behind the coaching centers for shortcuts. But it is absolutely useless if you don’t have conceptual clarity. Here is the speed math rule to calculate Square of numbers from 51 to 59. Check other speed math rules here.

There is a simple rule to find the square of numbers from 51 to 59. Like many other Vedic Mathematics methods, in this method also, we will get the answer in two parts. Since the numbers are in 50s and square of 50 is 2500, we will just use 25 in our calculations, ignoring the zeros.

To get the first part of the answer, add the digit at the units place to 25 and write the sum
To get the second part, calculate the square of units place digit and write it

It’ll be easier to understand this with an example.

To find the square of 57 :

First part: 25 + digit at units unit in 57 = 25 + 7 = 32

Second part: square of 7 = 49

Combining both the parts – 3249 is the answer.

Practice Suggestions:

After knowing the trick, check how fast you can square such numbers in your head, but doing several examples.

More examples:

Ex 1: (51)2 = 25+1|12 = 26|01 = 2601
Ex 2: (52)2 = 25+2|22 = 27|04 = 2704
Ex 3: (54)2 = 25+4|42 = 29|16 = 2916
Ex 4: (59)2 = 25+9|92 = 34|81 = 3481

This is speed math trick 2. Please check other speed math tricks here.

General Representation:

(5N)2 = (25+N)|N2 ; where N 2 should be written as two digit number.

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