Mathematics is the science of numbers as Aristotle defined. Here we have collected all the important mathematics definitions. Browse these definitions or use the Search function for a specific definition.

Math Definitions

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There are currently 4 definitions in this directory beginning with the letter P.
A Percentage is parts per 100. The symbol is %

The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter

In other words: all the way around a circle divided by all the way across it.

The symbol is π

No matter how large or small the circle, its circumference is always π times its diameter.

π = 3.14159265358979323846... (the digits go on forever without repeating)

A rough approximation is 22/7 (=3.1428571...), but that is not accurate.

Prime numbers
If a number has only two factors: 1 and the number is called prime numbers

Income minus all expenses.

Example: Sam's Bakery received $900 yesterday, but expenses such as wages, food and electricity came to $650. So the Profit was $900 − $650 = $250.

But if the income is LESS THAN the expenses it is called a "Loss".

Example: Two days ago Sam's Bakery received $480, but expenses were $520.
$480 − $520 = −$40, which is a $40 Loss

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